01 May 2014

Etude House Kissful Tint Choux #1 Red Choux review

hello, every pretty ladiess (─‿‿─) This time I want to review liptint that I bought at etude house when I'm go to singapore. I really like to wear liptint because it more durable than lip gloss.

☆ From the product their claim :
- Moistful and natural Coloring 
- Express long lasting tint
- Can make lips looks younger withour wrinkle but with volume on lips.

This lip tint has a lot of color options you can see the photo below 

#1 Red Choux
#2 Pink Choux
#3 Strawberry Choux
#4 Tangerine Choux

I chose the color number one because of the color looks brighter than others

☆ Packaging
packing of etude house is never make the ladies to love it. the color pink is always be a trade mark to many product from etude house. packing lip tint that I tried this time shaped like toothpaste.

To apply this product isn't too hassle because the product has a taper end to comes out the tint. but for better results you can use lip brush again

sorry wrong focus D'x

After swab

☆ Texture & Color
This product has a chewy texture like jelly, really feel moisture when flattened. didn't make dry my lips when using this product (๑ˇεˇ๑) ♡
The color is red when it came out but after the swab over looks like a dark purple color huh? lol XD

this product not long last to wear one day. (the color does not fade entirely on my lips) I do a double touch up when using this product a day. ;;;

Bare lips

Use lip tint

full lips

ahh, the other thing that I like about this product is the scent sweet smell like drink Fanta. lol XD so I never get bored doing touch up * slapped * 

d(>_< ) Like :
- moisturizing
- cute packaging
- sweet smelll~~ ♡
- easy to bring and use anywhere

(>へ<) Dislike :
- not long last

Okay terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke blog ku ini dan membacanya. (^ _ ^)/~


  1. Jarang sih produk begini yang tahan lama warnanya yah. Mungkin karena teksturnya kali ya....
    Nice review dear...

    Main-main ke blog aku yahhhh. Ada postingan tentang Grungy makeup and styel. Lengkap dengan sejarahnya tentu saja... :)


    1. Iyaa ;; pdhl warna nya baguss baaget.thanks yaa sis udh mampir ke sini. Aku udh mampir k blog mu :D nanti bakal mampir lagi kalo ada waktu online di komp hihi

  2. softlensnya lucuuu *salah fokus* XD
    btw sayang bgt ga longlast yaa~ ak ud dr lama pengen ini tp blom coba2 jugaa hehe


    1. Iyaa ._. pdhl Warna nya bagus tapi di coba dl aja sis biar gak penasaran >< hihi~ thanks yaa udh mampir ke blogku

  3. Hi Hanachi :)

    Lip Tintnya jg gak gitu tahan lama sih.. memang harus touch up terus ya x'
    Nice review

    btw, follow back ya.. makasih :))

    1. Iyaaa memang >< harus rajin ke wc kalo lg ke mall haha ~ thanks yaa udh mampir juga kemari sis ^^ nanti aku follow back deh kalo ak udh ol di pc yaa ~ thanks udh di folow juga xD
