18 January 2015

Koji Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner #Black

Dolly Wink liquid eyeliner in new packaging (again) ∑(゚∇゚|||) ! hi ladies, of course you all know with eyeliner brand dolly wink by tsubasa Masuwaka. This time they re-released their products with the new look. Let see~~

☆ Packaging : 
outer pack newest product looks more simple than the previous pack. the pack eyeliner comes in cute pink and black cap. gold pattern "dolly wink" makes this product looks sweet. ♡

☆ Slim brush head :

a slim brush head with good resistance allows you to create delicate or bold lines as you want. this is what I like with this product. you can makes natural wink in your eyes. (*^3^)/~♡

☆ Contains honey extract 
enriched with honey extract to moisturize and gently care for the skin.

☆ Water Test
Do you still remember my review with some brand of eyeliner that I used before this?  before using this eyeliner I ever used eyeliner from creer beaute and mizzu. I tried to compare the all product with water test

proven! after rubbed with a cotton product is still survive, although will be lost if you rub it firmly several times. but this product is long last to used all day :)

d(>_< ) Like :
- easy to use
- cute packaging
- not easily fade

(>へ<) Dislike :
- expensive LOL

(´・ω・`)? Repurhase 
This product is birthday gift from my best friend, so maybe if it runs out I will buy it back XD

( ・◇・)?Where to buy and how much
You can find it @ guardian or kay collection counter in mall but you also can buy it online in ebay the price around 199k (maybe)

Okay terima kasih sudah berkunjung ke blog ku ini dan membacanya. (^ _ ^)/~


  1. nice review~~ udah lama banget pengen nyoba dolly wink ini sampe skrg blm kesampaian hahaha. mascaranya jg mau ganti packaging dengan tema yg sama loh,kawaii banget..
    btw you look like japanese >3< cute

    1. waa , jd pengen coba mascaranya jg >3< thanks yaa dearr ~~

  2. Ini eye liner yang jagoan banget ya. Dpakeujan2an juga tetep aja tahan. hihihi.
    Nice review dear....


    1. haha blm nyoba pake ujan2nan sih dear xD

      thanks ya dear udh mampir ~~

  3. yang ini packaging nya bagus bangeeeeet aaaa pengeeeeen >o<

  4. lip makeup nya cute bangeeeet >< *salah fokus hahaha!
    pake lippen apa itu Ce?

    Oiyaa aku lagi adain sale nih di blog, mampir yaa thankyou :)

    Fairuz Inas

    1. aku pakai tony moly sweety dual lip gloss yg no. 03 :D blm pernah aku review sih liat disini aja ya --> http://www.etonymoly.com/data/img/rental/editor/LM02013100.jpg

      thanks ya udah mampir kesini ^^
